Individuals, companies, corporations, organisations and groups of people such as families may join the Foundation by making a gift or testamentary bequest of the amount specified for membership.
All gifts may be spread over a period of four years
Gifts to the Foundation are tax deductible
There are three classifications of membership and a donor classification:
DONOR: Those who contribute any amount up to $999.00
MEMBER: Those who contribute $1000 or more but less than $5000
FELLOW: Those who contribute $5000 or more but less than $15,000
GOVERNOR: Those who contribute $15,000
BENEFACTOR: Those who contribute over $15,000
Become a member
Fill out form below or download a form at bottom of the page.
download a membership form
To become a member, download, complete and return the Membership Form (PDF).
“Music is the wine that fills the cup of silence. ”