Become a Member

Membership allows for involvement in the running of the Foundation. Members will be entitled to vote at general meetings of members and will receive regular updates on the aims and activities of the Foundation as well as the achievements of those whom it supports. In addition, there will be member only functions that the Foundation sponsors from time to time to which members will be invited.

Membership costs a mere $50

  • You can register as a member, pay the membership fee and make any donation that you feel appropriate on the Membership and Donations pages.

  • Donations may be paid as lump sums or they may be charged to a credit card periodically every month.

  • Gifts to the Foundation are tax deductible.

New Membership

If you have a question about membership or donations or you would like a different payment arrangement, please contact us and we will be in touch to discuss a suitable arrangement with you.


Other Ways to Support the Foundation

Make a donation